Is to provide the ultimate full service moving experience. Our turn key services makes moving all about a new place and a fresh start. We are the kind of friends that stay until it’s all done.
We can't wait to muv you!
My family is from the Dominican Republic and moved 50 years ago to Lawrence, Massachusetts. 31 Brook Street was my favorite place on earth. It’s where my whole family lived in the same building. Our biggest move was to Orlando, Florida where we currently live. We started this business because home means everything to us and we want to give the best service to you and your family
All of our services are a la carte and available anytime with no move required.
Need to stage your home once its listed for sale? Purchase pieces to give a bnb some personality? Soon we will provide home staging to help attract buyers & renters. Party rentals to style your next gathering.
Is currently in its infancy but collectively we can move the world. Donate and become a part of the movement. OneSole Center will be the heart of every city for all to enjoy, learn and grow. One of our programs named “El Jardin” (The Garden) focuses on homelessness, particularly families with children. I experienced homelessness a few times in my life and it is our
Sole mission to help as many people get to the other side and find their home.
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